Originally Posted by RushStreet

Toodoped can you chime in here? What are your thoughts?

Similar thoughts as the previous poster, meaning Rovito is possibly "connected" but these days most people dont realize that when a mobster goes into legit business or businesses, it doesnt mean that all the money from that same biz goes in the pockets of the member or associate who owns that same operation, but instead all of the income is shared among the rest of the members like it was in the old days, meaning capos and bosses are probably still receiving envelopes from every legit or illegal scheme. The Outfit obviously still have street rackets according to the latest Gagliano case, but still most of them are involved in city contracts and legit enterprises, so it doesnt matter if today one crime family is completely illegal or completely semi-legit (obviously because they mainly receive city contracts through money donations to local politicians), since both the legal and illegal income is again divided between members of the brotherhood. For example, one member owns a restaurant and doesn't like to pay city taxes and bills, or wants to create a chain of restaurants, while another member has direct connection to some local politician, and so they combine their "skills" and after receiving the city contract, they divide the cash between them and probably also with the top leadership of the so-called brotherhood. Its a win-win situation, because if the illegal rackets are down, the organization can always relay on their legit income which in fact these days is far lucrative and mostly goes under the radar. Corruption will never die, especially in the city of Chicago and in fact, corruption is the real or original "birthright" of the Chi Outfit (not gambling) which still keeps it alive even today mostly through legit operations, followed by the illegal ones. So, this situation with the legal enterprises makes it quite hard to label someone as "connected" or not, but I personally believe that Rovito is somewhere in the middle.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.