First name : James Geoffrey
Last name : Malta
Gender (M/F) : M
Age : thirtysomething still
State : NJ
City : Toms River
Occupation : Web Developer / Multimedia
Hobbies : Fantasy Sports, Movies, Memorabilia
Religious (yes / no) : Spiritually Christian
Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : Single, but still have fun
Fav subject at school / university : High School: Lunch, Art, Spanish; College: Psychology, Eastern Religions
Most hated subject at school / university : Math, History, Gym
Primary subject at school / university : High School: College-Prep, Computers; College: Psychology, Biology
Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : Expert
Favorite computer game : I was addicted to Ultima Online (multiplayer game) for a long time, but got over it. Also liked the Star Wars Pod Racer game, and most any racing game.
Other forums / websites you visit often : ESPN's fantasy sports, Yahoo, Google
Fav song : Scenes from an Italian Restaurant (Billy Joel)
Fav music album : (way too many)
Favorite singer : Billy Joel, Elton John
Fav band : (way too many)
Fav line / verse in a song: (no idea)
Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : In no particular order: SC, Plawrence, Turnbull, Don Sicilia, La Dolce Vita, TIS, Saladbar, Don Cardi, and Consigliere's Lady. I hope I didn't forget anyone. And Mikey Montana doesn't count, cuz he's not an active board member. :p
Favorite T.V channel : Fox, HBO, Showtime
Favorite T.V show : Sopranos, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Idol, L-Word
Fav Godfather movie : 1 & 2
Favorite non-Godfather movie: Lord of the Rings trilogy, many others
Fav movie genre : Epics (long)
Fav director : Scorsese
Favorite actor : Pacino, DeNiro, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson, Robin Williams, Joe Pesci
Favorite actress : Lorraine Bracco, Eddie Falco, Kathy Bates
Fav movie quote : "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer", "F--- Gasper Gomez, and F--- the F---ing Diaz Brothers, F--- them all! I bury those cockaroaches!"
How did you find this forum : Don't remember...
Fav section in this forum : Sports, General Discussion
Fav thread : Baseball Challenge (every year)
Fav Author : John Steinbeck
Fav Book : (can't decide)
Fav book quote : (no idea)
Traveled to : 22 U.S. states, Italy, Vatican, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Canada, Mexico
Things you like about people : Diversity
Things you hate about people : Ignorance, Self-centeredness, Selfishness, Prejudice
The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : OK
I visit this forum (everyday / 2-3 times a week / rarely ) : Everyday
Fav food : Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, American
Favorite drink : Water, Stoli martinis, Dr Pepper, Root Beer, Green Tea
Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds, White Castle
The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : 70s and 80s
Fav sport : Baseball
Favorite sports team : Yankees (even this year )
Which sport do you practice : Taekwondo in the past (blue belt)
Hottest man alive : Johnny Depp
Hottest woman alive : Mia Kirshner, Anna Paquin, Jessica Alba
Nicknames : Geoff, JG
Languages : some Spanish, some Italian
I've been working : ...on the railroad. No, um, on the computer for too long.
Any records : None I can say w/ youngsters here
Favorite color : black, dark purple
What is your biggest dream : Someone handing me a million bucks
Fav quote : besides from a film or book?
Vehicle : all-black 2001 Honda Civic
Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) : Seafood!
Favorite season : Spring (tho it doesn't exist in NJ any more)
Fav Pizza Toppings : Pepperoni, sausage, garlic
PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster / I dont mind / Yummy ) : I really thought it would be horrible until I tried a ham/pineapple slice once...
Your pic:

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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