Mafia, arrests between Catania and Agrigento: a murder also foiled

CATANIA – Over 100 Carabinieri from the Catania Provincial Command have executed a custody order issued by the investigating judge against 13 suspects accused to varying degrees of mafia association and drug trafficking, especially cocaine, in the provinces of Catania and Agrigento.

Leonidi bis

The investigation, called 'Leonidi bis', coordinated by the Etna DDA and conducted by the military of the Catania Investigative Nucleus with complex technical activities and field services, allowed the dismantling of the mafia articulation of the "Santapaola Ercolano " family active in the 'Villaggio Sant'Agata' neighborhood. The group, according to the prosecution, was hit just when it was trying to reorganize, because it was weakened by several judicial measures.

Generational conflict
The investigations also revealed the generational conflict between the 'old mafia' of the 'big ones', capable of directing the criminal group despite being in prison for several years, and the 'young' one, impetuous and exhibitionist, even on social media. An unscrupulousness that could have resulted in a murder, prevented by the immediate intervention of the Etna judiciary and the Catania Carabinieri , who last December blocked the armed wing of the organization, arresting nine people who were planning the elimination of a member of the rival clan of the "Cappello-Bonaccorsi".

Guns and drugs
During the investigative activity, which lasted approximately 18 months, the Carabinieri seized five hunting rifles, three of which had sawn-off barrels, a Czechoslovakian machine gun, two pistols and over 350 rounds of ammunition of various calibers, as well as a kilo of cocaine, six kilos of hashish, a bulletproof vest and a blue flashing light for cars.