First name : Letizia

Last name : M.

Gender (M/F) : F

Age : 20

State : California

City : Santa Monica

Occupation : student, and I also help my dad at one of his offices.

Hobbies : piano, movies, music, tennis, yoga, dancing, reading, shopping, cooking

Religious (yes / no) : yes

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : boyfriend

Fav subject at school / university : history

Most hated subject at school / university : biology

Primary subject at school / university : political science

Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : good

Favorite computer game : n/a

Other forums / websites you visit often :,,, but no other forums or anything.

Fav song : "Beyond the Sea," "More," and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes."

Fav music album : too many to name

Favorite singer : WAY too many to name, but the ones I listen to most often are Frank Sinatra, Rosemary Clooney, Ella Fitzgerald, Bette Midler, Elvis Presley, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Alessandro Safina, Gigi D'Alessio, and several good classical, jazz, and blues artists.

Fav band : Pink Floyd, Boston, Chicago, Led Zeppelin, Depeche Mode, Cream, Queen, so many more.

Fav line / verse in a song: too many

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : none

Favorite T.V channel : not sure

Favorite T.V show : Family Guy, Will & Grace, Seinfeld, Taxi, Cheers

Fav Godfather movie : Parts I and II

Favorite non-Godfather movie: too many

Fav movie genre : classic comedies

Fav director : too many

Favorite actor : too many

Favorite actress : Judy Holliday, Thelma Ritter, Sophia Loren, and Ingrid Bergman

Fav movie quote : too many

How did you find this forum : looking for Godfather info

Fav section in this forum : General

Fav thread : none in particular

Fav Author : too many

Fav Book : too many

Fav book quote : "There is moreover that disposition in me, O Romans, that I not only will yield to the audacity of no one, but that I always voluntarily attack the worthless." (from Cicero's Third Oration Against Catiline) I love it because he so perfectly describes his whole no-nonsense style of argument in that one line.

Traveled to : too many

Things you like about people : honesty and a sense of humor

Things you hate about people : pretentiousness, jealousy, pessimism, pettiness, and people who stress out too much.

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : Wonderful with a lot of ugly in it.

I visit this forum (everyday / 2-3 times a week / rarely ) : every day

Fav food : Italian, good Chinese, sushi, good Mexican

Favorite drink : Diet Coke

Fast Food Restaurant: In-N-Out Burger

The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : my grandparents' stories

Fav sport : Basketball, tennis, soccer, polo

Favorite sports team : Los Angeles Lakers

Which sport do you practice : in H.S., basketball, tennis, and soccer-- now, only tennis

Hottest man alive : Raoul Bova, Mark Vanderloo, Johnny Depp

Hottest woman alive : Giselle, Monica Belluci, Laetitia Casta

Nicknames : Let, Zia (only here), and my cousin calls me Izzy (short for my middle name).

Languages : Italian, Spanish, and Armenian

I've been working : on a paper about Japan's economic policy.

Any records : not really

Favorite color : blue

What is your biggest dream : to always be content with what I have and my family, and to get into a good law school

Fav quote : not sure

Vehicle : 2004 M3

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) : Meat

Favorite season : all of them are gorgeous in CA

Fav Pizza Toppings : mushrooms, onions, olives, and garlic

PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster / I dont mind / Yummy ): Disaster... even if you pick them off, the cheese stays sweet.