Joey King stars as Zara Ford, personal assistant to comic book movie star Chris Cole (Zac Efron). After 2 years of working for and being berated by Chris (with the expectation she would be promoted to Assistant Producer on his films), Zara's finally had enough of Chris and quits. The next day, Chris shows up at Zara's house unannounced and while she's gone, decides to wait and strikes up a friendship with Zara's mother Brooke (Nicole Kidman), who's she living with. The friendship quickly becomes more than that and Zara, trying to protect her mother from Chris as he doesn't get serious with women, wants the relationship to end. An impressive cast that I'm a little surprised signed onto the picture as there isn't much going for this. 2 funny parts that were displayed in the trailer and while there's a good-hearted lesson to be learned, every one of these actors has shown they are capable of so much more. This is a Netflix film so my guess can only be they threw enough money at them because like I said, the film's pretty weak otherwise. 6/10