oh it is odd, but it sounds like boyer...the stabber had been told that iacono was connected, which he wasnt. so i guess if boyer assumed this guy was a legit criminal his mind must have been racing even before the confrontation that led to iaconos death. boyer was still convinced of this afterwards and dumped body only later to find out iacono was not mafia. and really alot of things about the milieu are very odd when ya think of it. alleged rappers getting killed for videos they post on youtube? thats odd. HA openly showing on their vests what criminal group they belong to, seems odd as well and not unique to quebec i know. the situation on some qc native reserves is odd considering the total lack of authority of really anyone.
as far as most people coming up against such a situation i imagine is not common nor would there be a normal routine way to handle a screw driver wielding tough guy asking for money in your home.