Originally Posted by Ciment

Why Catania is an important city for South American drug traffickers (and Albanian criminal groups)
Excerpt 1 from the article:

"In practice, according to the DIA, there is an alliance between Sicilian mafia gangs and drug traffickers from South America.

In recent years, the Catania mafia has taken on an increasingly important role in the organization "Cosa Nostra", the Sicilian mafia, taking advantage of the weakening of the Palermo clans.

The Catania mafia has become allies with several groups such as the Calabrian "Ndrangheta", the Neapolitan "Camorra" clans and Albanian criminal groups.

And at the end of this criminal chain, there are also the drug-trafficking groups of South America, in particular the Mexican "Sinaloa" cartel, one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world, which has extended its influence from Mexico. throughout South America and Europe."

Excerpt 2 from article.

"The shipment left in October 2019 after a series of delays due to organizational problems and consisted of 406 kilograms of cocaine.

However, it was a so-called controlled shipment: it means that the entire shipment from Colombia to Catania was followed by the Guardia di Finanza, in cooperation with the Colombian anti-drug police. Then in Catania, the cargo was moved to a warehouse in the suburbs that was identified by "Don SeƱor".

The latter was given 32 packages of drugs as payment. Among the buyers waiting for the arrival of the drugs, there was also an Italian middleman, known as "Charlie".

His name is Mauro Da Fiume and he was featured in the documents of other investigations because he was connected to the 'Ndrangheta family of Piromalli.

The nickname derives from an import-export company that Da Fiume managed in Barcelona, ??"Charlie Export".

Da Fiume and the envoys of "Flaco", on behalf of the "Sinaloa" cartel, were to meet in Verona, then the meeting was moved to Milan."

Past precedent and possibly intelligence reports undoubtedly led them to this conclusion

it is true that the Catania mafia has an ever-increasing role in drug trafficking, in recent years the mafia families of Catania have taken on a primary role in the distribution of cocaine (and other drugs) in various Sicilian provinces, Cosa Nostra of Palermo and the clans of Catania practically share the wholesale distribution of the whole of Sicily. Two of the most important seizures of cocaine in Italy, 2 and 5 tons respectively, in recent years were in Sicily

Last edited by m2w; 08/05/24 08:37 AM.