Found this thread and thought I'd just introduce myself, seen as I've read all about you guys now. What interesting peeps...

First name : ‘Joolsie’

Last name : ‘Cappucetti’

Gender (M/F) : F

Age : 21

State : North Yorkshire, England

City : Between Newcastle and Middlesbrough

Occupation : Student/Screenwriter

Hobbies : Film, writing, music, ballet, singing and pee-yano playin

Religious (yes / no) : Christian (anglican) although maybe spiritual is a better word than religious

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : single

Fav subject at school / university : French

Most hated subject at school / university : Science cos I don’t believe in it :p

Primary subject at school / university : French/Italian

Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : good. ish.

Favorite computer game : nope

Other forums / websites you visit often : Six Feet Under boards

Fav song : ‘The Judgement of the Moon and Stars’ by Joni Mitchell

Fav music album : ‘Blue’ by Joni Mitchell

Favorite singer : take a wild guess

Fav band : Supergrass, Free, Radiohead, Crosby/Stills/Nash and the Fun Lovin Criminals

Fav line / verse in a song: “I’m gonna blow this damn candle out,
I don’t want nobody coming over to my table, I ain’t got nothing to talk to anybody about. All good dreamers pass this way someday, Hiding behind bottles is dark cafes.” (‘The Last Time I Saw Richard’, Joni M.)

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : Well, I only joined today so it’d be pretty spooky…

Favorite T.V channel : BBC/Channel 4 and Performance for ‘The Actor’s Studio’

Favorite T.V show : Intellectual answer: ‘Six Feet Under’. The shameful truth: ‘Eastenders’

Fav Godfather movie : Am in jaw-dropping awe of II, but the one I love the most is Part I.

Favorite non-Godfather movie: Dog Day Afternoon, Casino, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Apocalypse Now, Goodfellas, The Deerhunter (gotta love Walken), anything with the Depp-meister…

Fav movie genre : gangster

Fav director : Scorsese

Favorite actor : Pacino, De Niro, Brando, Depp, Walken, Benicio del Toro

Favorite actress : Cate Blanchett

Fav movie quote :
"Sonny - If we gotta be outside the country, where do you wanna go? Any country. Just name a country.
Sal - Wyoming.
Sonny - Wyoming… that’s not a country, Sal."
(Al Pacino and John Cazale in Dog Day Afternoon)

How did you find this forum : jgeoff godfather trilogy site

Fav section in this forum : ooh, still so many to discover! Mustn’t comment prematurely…

Fav thread : ditto

Fav Author : Since discovering cinema, I’ve kind of been neglecting books…

Fav Book : ditto

Fav book quote : uh… not exactly a book quote, but Tennessee Williams once said ‘Personal lyricism is the outcry of prisoner to prisoner from the cell in solitary to which each is confined for the duration of his life’. Bleak but beautiful!

Traveled to : Sicily! (Savoca where Bar Vitelli is) Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Canary Islands, Greece, Greek Islands, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, and Lapland. Oh and I guess Scotland and Wales, if they count?

Things you like about people : generosity, kindness, charisma, creativity

Things you hate about people : lack of self awareness, lack of tolerance

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : The world is great, it’s some of the people who are the problem

I visit this forum (everyday / 2-3 times a week / rarely ) : Well so far, I have 100% attendance. But again, I only joined this morning

Fav food : Real pizza from Naples. Failing that, my grandad’s Italian cooking

Favorite drink : gin and coke with ice. Trust me it’s kinda minty

Fast Food Restaurant: *hangs head shamefully* Oh you know, the one that’s championing globalization… but damnit it tastes so good!

The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : The scene at the end of the Godfather Part II when we get a flashback to pre-Part I, with Sonny, Fredo, Carlo and Tessio still alive, and Tom, Michael and Connie still innocent kids fooling around *sob*

Fav sport : ick…

Favorite sports team : ick-ick

Which sport do you practice : ballet really doesn’t count does it. That settles it. I’m headed for a heart attack at such a very young age…

Hottest man alive : Monsieur J. Depp, young Al Pacino, young Chris Walken, and by gosh we have a young soap actor over here called Nigel Harman who I could quite happily eat my dinner off

Hottest woman alive : Angelina Jolie, come to Joolsie… Hilary Swank ain’t bad either, I wouldn’t say no anyway :p

Nicknames : I would have to kill you, my friends

Languages : English, French, Italian and Spanish.

I've been working : on my Mafia screenplay for three years now but every time I watch the Godfather it makes me want to start the whole thing from scratch again.

Any records : I can sleep for England. With my eyes open!

Favorite color : Blue (definitely a pattern going on here)

What is your biggest dream : Al and Johnny arguing over who gets to present me with my Best Screenwriter Oscar

Fav quote : ‘Keep up boys’ – from my mafia screenplay, obv not going to mean much to anyone else here! Sorry.

Vehicle : just got insured on my mum’s brand new blue Suzuki jeep

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) : Meat

Favorite season : Winter for the melancholy, summer for the sunlight

Fav Pizza Toppings : chicken, sweetcorn and green peppers

PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster / I dont mind / Yummy ) yummy in my tummy

Your pic: yeah, you know when I said I was good-ish on the computer… erm… hope this works, I'm not entirely sure I understood the html code thingy? I'm on the right. And in my defence, this was taken after a France/England drinking tournament, when I'd spent about an hour with my head down the toilet. Yeah, we lost

Senator, we are both part of the same hypocrisy