Originally Posted by m2w
Top prosecutor investigated over 'cover-up of tender probe'

Ex-prosecutor, tax police general also probed in Caltanissetta


«Pignatone in relations with Cosa Nostra bosses»

Ingroia attacks the former Reggio prosecutor accused of an alleged cover-up of the “Mafia Appalti” investigation

ROME "Giovanni Brusca told me that Dr. Pignatone had dealings with important mafia men, that he was available to Cosa Nostra. He said he had learned it from Totò Riina. We sent the reports to the Caltanissetta prosecutor's office where they were archived." This was said by the former Palermo prosecutor Ingroia according to what "Il Giornale" reports, with reference to the affair that is involving the former prosecutor of Reggio Calabria and Rome Pignatone, now president of the Vatican Tribunal, investigated for an alleged cover-up of the "Mafia-contracts" investigation. "The investigation - explains Ingroia - concerned mafia entrepreneurs who had had direct dealings with his father. Pignatone's father was a leader of Sicilian politics, a man close to Salvo Lima and therefore to the Andreotti faction. In the papers that we sent to Caltanissetta without results there was also the story of the apartments that the mafia builders who are the subject of the Mafia-Appalti investigation had sold at very low prices, essentially as gifts, to the Pignatone family. Among these was the one that Dr. Pignatone enjoyed and where I believe he still lives». Even Ingroia – claims “Il Giornale” – finds it «disconcerting that Pignatone, summoned by the Caltanissetta prosecutors, refused to answer, and even more disconcerting that he continues to preside over the Vatican tribunal».
