'Albanian police chief and son were behind the smuggling of 446 kilos of cocaine into the Netherlands'
August 9, 2024

A shipment of 446 kilos of cocaine that was intercepted in the Netherlands in early 2021 was intended for a group of Albanians and Dutch. The son of a police chief in Tirana is said to be behind the drug transport, among other things. This is reported by the Albanian medium Pamfleti .

(Photo: Eralbi Breçani and his father, former police chief Erzen Breçani)

According to prosecutors in Albania, the seizure of 446 kilos of cocaine in the Netherlands on January 5, 2021 is attributed to a criminal group, consisting of the suspects Ismail Zeneli, Besmir Murtati, Eralbi Breçani and his father Erzen Breçani. The coke was found in a container on the Maasvlakte in the port of Rotterdam.

Two Dutch people were arrested on the spot: Roelof den O. (53) from Zoelen, and Dirk Evert B. (39) from Amersfoort.

Police Chief
Erzen Breçani was the former deputy director of the police in Tirana, the capital of Albania. According to the Albanian authorities, the four suspects are said to have worked together with others and the drug lord Ergys Dashi, who was liquidated in Ecuador in early 2022 , to smuggle 446 kilos of cocaine from Ecuador to the Netherlands.

The suspects came into the picture after hacking chat conversations via Sky ECC.


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