First name : Kelly

Last name : L

Gender (M/F) : M

Age : 42

State : PA

City : Harrisburg

Occupation : attorney

Hobbies : reading; coaching Little League Baseball

religious: Roman Catholic

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : married (2 boys, 13 and 11, and a girl almost 9)

Fav subject at school / university : English Lit

Most hated subject at school / university : Tax

Primary subject at school / university : English

Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : Less than good.

Favorite computer game : Just some of the games here.

Other forums / websites you visit often : sports sites

Fav song : Born to Run

Fav music album : The White Album

Favorite singer : Springsteen

Fav band : Dire Straits, the Stones, Beatles

Fav line / verse in a song: Little Old Lady got mutilated late last night...werewolves of London Again (nice use of alliteration and consonance)

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : None

Favorite T.V channel : ESPN (although some of the personalities there are annoying)

Favorite T.V show : Seinfeld, Cheers, the Honeymooners

Fav Godfather movie : #1

Favorite non-Godfather movie: A Man for All Seasons

Fav movie genre : drama, I guess. I actually don't see many new movies, but would like to see the Departed.

Fav director : none in particular

Favorite actor : Robt. Duvall and Robin Williams

Favorite actress : several, including Charlize Theron

Fav movie quote : "It profits a man nothing to sell his soul for the whole world...but for Wales?" I also like, "Sorry folks, the park's closed. The moose out front should have told you."

How did you find this forum : Googled the Godfather

Fav section in this forum : General

Fav thread : none in particular

Fav Author : James Joyce

Fav Book : The Great Gatsby

Fav book quote : "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead." - Joyce, Dubliners (The Dead)

Traveled to : half of the States, Ireland, Jamaica, Canada

Things you like about people : humor, friendship

Things you hate about people : prejudice

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : Closer to woderful than ok

I visit this forum: Pretty much every day.

Fav food : Chinese; steak and seafood

Favorite drink : Alcohol - Rolling Rock Beer, Diet Pepsi, Iced tea

Fast Food Restaurant: Not often, but it's McDonald's or Wendy's usually.

The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : the 70's

Fav sport : baseball/football

Favorite sports team : The Steelers

Which sport do you practice : I guess baseball, but I'm too old to play.

Hottest man alive : You're asking the wrong guy.

Hottest woman alive : Jessica Alba

Nicknames : Not too much anymore.

Languages : English

I've been working : on a book

Any records : I held my high school shot put record for several years. That's about it.

Favorite color : Green

What is your biggest dream : Absolute contentment.

Fav quote : "The unexamined life is not worth living."

Vehicle : Toyota Camry and Chrysler 300

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish) meat

Favorite season : Autumn

Fav Pizza Toppings : pepperoni

PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster / I dont mind / Yummy ) : I don't mind.