Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
  • Israel is not doing themselves any favours -- Haven't seen any retraction and condemnation from Israel.... Yet

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich made the statement at a conference in support of Jewish settlements on Monday, saying the country had no choice but to send humanitarian aid to Gaza
"It's not possible in today's global reality to manage a war — no one will allow us to starve two million people, even though that might be just and moral until they return the hostages"
Smotrich voiced opposition to the ceasefire deal and said the terms would amount to an Israeli surrender

Smotrich, far-right politician and the leader of the National Religious Zionism Party, has also been consistently vocal about his opposition to a deal throughout negotiations and on Friday denounced the proposal as a “dangerous trap,” saying it creates a “delusional symmetry” between Israeli hostages and “despicable Jew-murdering terrorists” who would be freed

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, far-right politician and the leader of Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) a Kahanist (Religious Zionist Ideology) and anti-Arab party called for cutting off all fuel and aid to the enclave

This is the problem with a fragile coalition holding together what is widely regarded as the most right-wing government in Israel's history.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hanging onto power without ruffling the key partners' feathers though survived the June 9, 2024 resignations of Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet and Netanyahu's main putative challenger for the position of prime minister and his fellow party member Gadi Eisenkot.

It seemed to have made no impact no waves. They just disappeared without making any dent