Businessman arrested in Brazil for Mafia, money laundering
Searches in Italy, Brazil, Switzerland, 50 mn seized

An Italian businessman who has worked in Brazil for many years was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of Mafia offences and money laundering in a joint Italo-Brazilian operation.
Tax police out of Palermo and the Brazilian federal police arrested the entrepreneur, originally from Bagheria near Palermo, Giuseppe Bruno, who had long since moved to Natal, Brazil, judicial sources in the Sicilian capital said.
They said an investigation by the Palermo anti-Mafia investigative directorate (DDA) and the Second Federal Court of Rio Grande Do Norte, has uncovered an organisation that allegedly laundered Mob money in business ventures in the South American country.
Police seized approximately 50 million euro as well as assets and property belonging to 17 individuals, all under investigation, and to 12 companies operating in the real estate, construction and catering sectors.
Searches were carried out in several Italian regions, in Brazil and in Switzerland, the sources said.