Originally Posted by Capri

So Iran is waiting to attack until all the help in place and ready, to defend Israel confused

After Israel bombed Iranian consulate in Damascus, Iran vowed "revenge." But they gave plenty of notice of their intent, giving Israel and its alliies plenty of time to put defenses in place. Almost all of the 300 drones and missiles Iran aimed at Israel were intercepted. Israel retaliated with a small attack on an Iranian military airbase. This was strictly face-saving on both sides, and neither wanted a wider war.

This time Iran is giving even more notice of its intent to attack. If it happens, it'll probably be bigger than in April. But if Israel believed it was under a mortal threat, it probably would have attacked Iran pre-emptively, as it did Egypt and Syria in '67.

I've read in US media that Iran is very close to making nuclear weapons, and is producing weapons-grade material at a deep-undergound complex. The US is said to have developed "bunker-buster" bombs. What if the US has supplied those bombs to Israel--and Israel is waiting for Iran to attack first so it can retaliate by bombing out the nuclear complex--with America's silent approval?

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.