If he was a Rat why didint they Just take him Out like the First Alleged Bonanno Rat in the 1940s-50s William Joseph Dara they just let these 2 Guy Walk around and didint do Anything about it ? Listen I get why they didint take out Scarpa cause Soldiers including Alphonse D’ambrosio his Brother and Even Scarpas brother said to Heads of the Family that his Crew keeps getting Locked up
But he isint or when he did he just got Probation then at the time in 1980s or during the Colombo War Joe T Tomassello sent word if he is Whacking People he can’t be a Informant and then you here that Larry Mazza in jail found out they Carmine Persico and his Son Ally Boy knew he was a Informant for 20 years which tells me they they’re was a Deal where if Scarpa gets picked up that he doesn’t rat on the Persicos and they Walk or they they were too afraid to Whack him cause of all the information he already gave the Feds which tells me there was a deal between Scarpa and the Persicos cause in his Death bed Confession the Colombo War he said it was Larry Mazza and Jimmy Delmasto who did all the Hits in the Colombo War so it’s a Very Confusing Grey Area
Last edited by Butchie1788; 08/15/24 08:17 AM.