Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was inaugurated on 20 May 2019
On 12 June 2020 Ukraine joined NATO's enhanced opportunity partner interoperability program but not yet a Full member

Ukraine very commendable keeping the big bad wolf Russia, with Russia's mighty and powerful Military, at bay for more than two years Extraordinary indeed and now invasion into Russia itself -- dishing out a taste of Russia's own medicine

  • What the terrorists are doing to Israel, Hit and Run terror is worse than what Russia is doing to Ukraine
  • terrorists Hamas invaded Israel same as Russia invaded Ukraine

Israel is not a member of NATO due to Israel's geographic location:
Israel isn’t in Europe and isn’t in the “North Atlantic” as NATO’s name states

Israel's unique location makes it prone to armed conflict with its neighbours
NATO is in direct contact with Israel and as a partner nation the Middle East country provides updates and overviews of its defense strategy with the US and other member countries

Israel is a major strategic partner of NATO which has strengthened cooperation and increased defense support and infrastructures in the Middle East country

Israel is an active partner with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in 2017 established a permanent and official mission to NATO headquarters

Please! More love for Israel