Originally Posted by NYMafia

I hear there’s a new grassroots movement that combats subscription paywalls. Its leader, Dopey Dan, now claims he leads a fight against ALL forms of paywalls.

Unfortunately, no sooner did Dopey start this — obviously — very worthwhile campaign (lol), he got arrested twice by the NYC Transit Police. Once for jumping a subway turnstile. And a second time, for blowing through a toll booth with his car, instead of paying the fee.

When Dopey Dan stood before the judge for arraignment, he explained he was a champion of the little people, and demanded he be viewed as the hero he was….just “fighting the good fight!”

…The Judge decided to give him 30-days in the clink, instead!

At the time of his sentencing, the savvy jurist also gave the defendant a bit of free advice. And that was, and I quote, "Go get yourself a job and maybe you'll be able to pay fees and life's expenses like other adults. Instead of trying to jump turnstiles, cheat toll booths, or whimpering like a baby and pulling a tantrum when you can't. lol.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/16/24 05:17 AM.