Well like I said about Persico he and his Son knew Scarpa was a rat for 20 Years according to Larry Mazza why would he make up they Jail House Story he had with Ally Boy who told him me and my father knew Scarpa was a Rat for 20 years and they did nothing about it and when Scarpa confessed on his death bed during the Trial he Said Larry and Jimmy Delmesto were responsible for all the Colombo War hits which tells me there was a a Secret deal that if shit hits the fan to not mention the Persico Family and the Fact Carmine defended himself in court during the commission trail and admitted there was a Mafia he also was going to go on TV and do a Interview about the Life this is why Vic Orena Wild Bill and John Gotti said he was a Rat for doing all of That so if you look at the Facts I don’t think Persico was as a True Gangster compared to all those you just mentioned cause a Boss or a Mobster isint suppose to be doing all of that despite he did Life in Prison the others didint do what he did