Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
Here's the thing though

I reckon, Hamas has achieved, in a way succeeded in it's brutal way -- among others,
  • Palestine Statehood is actively trending on the International domain
  • more and more countries recognising Palestine Statehood
  • push for Palestine United Nations membership -- if not for US Veto
  • destabilise Israel's economy, political turmoil, civil unrest
  • 'occupied' territories in the spotlight
  • settler violence in 'occupied' territories -- sanctions
  • pro-Palestinian demonstrations worldwide
  • antisemitism on the rise Disgraceful
  • Israel seemingly more and more isolated
  • Israel's allies' support seemingly dwindling -- with friends! like this....
  • Israel accused of genocide and crimes against humanity
  • Israel forced to negotiate with terrorists Hamas
  • International Court of Justice [ICJ] action against Israel
  • International Criminal Court [ICC] proceedings against Israel [without the principle of “complementarity”]
    Complementarity requires the ICC to let the nation in question's legal system move first before any action is taken by the Court

Middle East crisis — explained
NPR npr.org by Aya Batrawy August 16, 2024 Abu Bakr Bashir contributed reporting from London

DOHA, Qatar — A Hamas leader says they will give up governing Gaza but won’t lay down arms

Basem Naim, a leader in Hamas’ politburo, continues to defend Hamas’ decisions, despite the unprecedented cost Palestinians have paid in Israel’s retaliation

Naim says before October 7, 2023 the world had been looking past the Palestinians, ignoring their plight
Another Arab country, Saudi Arabia, was inching closer to establishing formal relations with Israel

“We were nearly deleted from the agenda of the region and international community,” Naim says
“I think today the situation is totally different”