“Dear Uncle…”. The Boss’s Rise and That Bond with the Fugitive Godfather

PALERMO – Who knows if in this round of millions between Swiss banks, Brazilian companies, Chinese firms and front men in Singapore there isn’t also a trickle that leads to the last of the fugitive godfathers.

A suggestion, a hope, but it is inevitable when speaking of Giuseppe Calvaruso that the association with Giovanni Motisi arises .

Mafia Apprenticeship
When he was not yet a big shot in the Pagliarelli mafia district, Calvaruso had shown his reliability in the most delicate of tasks: managing Motisi's time as a fugitive , before the "pacchione" (as the godfather was nicknamed) disappeared into thin air.

Calvaruso worked hard to provide cover for Motisi, who had been on the run since 1998. The fugitive’s wife was once seen entering the flower shop “La Violetta ,” then run by Vincenzo Cascino on Via Maqueda. Cascino’s car was rigged with bugs. In May 2002, the florist was arrested along with Calvaruso.

“Dear uncle…”

The families of Calvaruso and Motisi were very close . “Dear aunt and uncle, how are you? I hope you are well, very well indeed. I miss you very much but I will know how to wait: surely there will be a day when we will see each other again, it will be a day of happiness for both you and for us, all we need is faith in God”: this is what Calvaruso’s sister wrote, also addressing the fugitive.

The latter also escaped arrest on June 3, 2002 , but his escape lasted only a few months. In 2006 he finished serving his first sentence.

By screening his life, investigators came to the last certain news about the presence in Sicily of Motisi. In particular in a house in the Casteldaccia district and in via Enrico Toti, not far from the University of Palermo.

“The only ones who went there were me and him…”, Calvaruso said in 2016 of himself and Cascino, referring to his association with the fugitive.

In Italy or abroad?

Linked to Motisi but also close to Settimo Mineo, who chaired the meeting of the dome convened in 2018 in a house in Baida, but also to Gianni Nicchi and Vincenzo Giudice , also regents of the district, it was obvious that Calvaruso would take power.
The repentants reported that it was Mineo himself who chose him as his heir. “Now the short has to come in… there is no one , it’s his turn. He needs the replacement”, they said of him.
The police released a new identikit of the “pacchione” some time ago . Motisi is alive, even though some people over the years have spread the rumor that he was dead . Is he in Italy or abroad?
