Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest-serving Israeli prime minister, first came to power 29 May 1996 election [sitting Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated 04 November 1995 by Yigal Amir, an Israeli extremist Jew] Netanyahu's almost 17 year cumulative tenure is longer than that of anyone else who has led Israel, a country only two years older than he is, governing what is widely regarded as the most right-wing government in Israel's history and a polarizing figure on the world stage "who has led Israel to the terrible place they are now in” -- Global pariah on the world stage
Hamas claims very costly wins against Israel -- True
economic toll The Bank of Israel estimated in November that the war would cost about USD53 billion through to 2025 based on forecasts of increased defence and other spending against a backdrop of lower tax revenue. Israel has not seen this scale of military activity in terms of duration, intensity and cost in recent times
Israeli war costs economy over $67.3 billion: Israel’s budget deficit reached 8.1% last July, Economists say The economic toll of the war may cost Israel an estimated $400 billion in lost economic activity over the next decade – threatens Israel's economic future.
Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
Israel seemingly is not the mighty and powerful it was --
No doubt Hamas has achieved, in a way succeeded in it's brutal way -- all you had listed and more
Naim says Israel’s image as a nation representing “Western values of human rights and democracy” has been shattered by the war. He says the war also showed Israel’s reliance on US including in shooting down Iranian aerial strikes in April 2024
Naim says before October 7, 2023 the world had been looking past the Palestinians, ignoring their plight
“We were nearly deleted from the agenda of the region and international community,” Naim says “I think today the situation is totally different”