Basem Naim, a leader in Hamas’ politburo:
Palestinian militants used parachutes, speed boats and explosives to infiltrate Israel’s border in the attack.
Naim says Hamas was surprised by how quickly Israel’s defenses crumbled

Failure at the Fence - Israel’s vaunted security barrier breach by Hamas 07 October 2023
American public broadcast service PBS and FRONTLINE November 2023

Kfar Aza, Israel: A visual investigation in collaboration with @WashingtonPost provides a detailed examination of how Hamas was able to breach Israel’s vaunted security barrier on October 7, 2023 and carry out its attack.

  • Iron wall
completed in 1996 and billion dollar upgrade in 2021 dubbed the Iron wall, separating Israel from the Gaza strip -- the 40 mile long 20 foot high barrier, with deep underground concrete layer to block Hamas tunnels, outfitted with sensors, cutting-edge surveillance tools and remote controlled machine guns above ground

  • Israel's Fatal complacency
fragile barrier giving Israel a false sense of security, leaving it blind to it's own vulnerabilities and to the meticulous plan taking shape on the other side of the Iron wall, multiple Hamas training videos some posted on social media before the attack

Originally Posted by Hollander
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the plan for the Oct. 7 attack. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.
perhaps that was Hamas' tactic and it worked
Well, Hamas -- Hamas played this one beautifully It's never been done before -- infiltrate Israel’s border

There was so much research, planning, training over a long period, by Hamas and not secretive either brewing in plain sight.... right under Israel's nose