Originally Posted by m2w

The West African route has been very important for a long time now. Bribery will get you everywhere.

Thus far, the Nigerians are the only ones out of West Africa that have managed to spawn serious criminal organizations. They are active in most key countries and have major stakes in countries beyond West Africa as well. In South Africa for instance they are the major distributors of cocaine and heroin. The "local" South African gangs like in Cape Town are mostly bums stuck in the Flats who keep to selling mandrax; often even in order to fuel their own drug habit. The Nigerians on the other hand have above averagely sophisticated and organized networks and they make lots of money.

I'd say the Cape Verdeans have their networks as well, but moreso in their diaspora communities. In Portugal they control a lot of the drug trade. In the south of Belgium, Rotterdam and Switzerland there have also been drug busts connected to figures from the Cape Verdean community. It's definitely not as widespread as the Nigerians and it's very much localized to areas with a Cape Verdean community - whereas the Nigerian criminals go literally everywhere even when there's no Nigerian community to speak of - but you can definitely detect CV networks active in the international cocaine trade.