Is Gaza an Open Air Prison?
ECONLOGPOST by David Henderson 27 October 2023

There are four sides to Gaza:
1. two sides that border Israel -- The Israeli government prevents people from entering Israel
2. one side that borders Egypt -- The Egyptian government prevents people from entering Egypt
3. one side that borders the Mediterranean Sea

  • What’s left is the Mediterranean Exit
Henderson says, he has heard over the years that the Israeli Navy patrols the sea to prevent people from leaving Gaza by sea
But when I go on the web to confirm that, I can’t

All I can find is that the Israeli government has tight restrictions on the area of the sea in which people from Gaza can fish and also harsh restrictions on flotillas taking goods into Gaza

But I can’t find any evidence that the government prevents them from leaving
And a friend who was in the Israeli Defense Force IDF tells me that he has never heard that the Navy prevented people from leaving

Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
also haven't seen any of the 50odd Muslim countries offering refuge and taking in any Palestinians
They all shut their borders real quick