
the alarm
From the Alvaros to the Mancusos, the Calabrian clans active in Rome and the interests of the 'ndrangheta in the Jubilee
Substantial investments will be poured into the Capital, a flow of money that could attract the clans' appetites
Published: 2024-08-23 – 7:01

REGGIO CALABRIA One of the most important events for the Catholic Church. A unique event for Rome, which is preparing to welcome millions of pilgrims from all over the world. The Jubilee marks an important stage in 2025, in a year in which Rome will be at the center of world attention for religious and other issues . There are several substantial investments that will be poured into the Capital, a flow of money that could attract the appetites of mafia clans.
From the Milan-Cortina Olympic Games, to the construction of the Bridge over the Strait of Messina, passing through the funds of the Pnrr, to arrive precisely at the Jubilee 2025. The danger that the clans are targeting major works and events is real and documented .

The numbers of the Jubilee 2025
Over 500 projects and 3.3 billion euros of investments . These are the numbers of the Jubilee Plan 2025 which aims to implement a series of interventions for the redevelopment, modernization and modernization of the city of Rome, its cultural heritage and its infrastructure, in view of the Holy Year, the period during which the Pope grants plenary indulgence to the faithful who go to Rome and perform particular religious practices .
The interventions – as explained on the website of the Observatory for the PNRR and the Jubilee of Rome – concern multiple aspects of the city, such as the redevelopment and enhancement of the places of Christian and pagan Rome, the improvement of vehicular traffic, extraordinary maintenance of the A and B metro lines, the redevelopment of structures for the reception of pilgrims and citizens and the activation of interventions for the care of the territory. In particular, there are six lines of intervention : Redevelopment and enhancement ; Accessibility and mobility; Reception and participation; Environment and territory ; Hospitality Program ; Caput Mundi , aimed at redeveloping and restoring the cultural and urban heritage and complexes of high historical-architectural value of the city of Rome. The Jubilee Plan is financed by national and regional resources and by PNRR funds. In particular, Mission 1, Component 3, Investment 4.3 of the PNRR – Investment Rome Caput Mundi, which alone consists of 335 projects for a value of 500 million euros, is intended for the Jubilee.

The pervasiveness of the 'ndrangheta in Rome
Rome, as investigations have shown in particular in recent years, is not exempt from the pervasiveness of the 'ndrangheta, which has also put down roots here, trying to expand and infiltrate the most disparate areas. In November 2022, the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate carried out the operation "Propaggine" which hit the first "locale" of 'ndrangheta in the capital. The association had at its head Antonio Carzo and Vincenzo Alvaro, members of the 'ndrangheta of Sinopoli, in the Reggio area, "We in Rome are an offshoot from down there" , is the content of an interception. Since 2015, the two had been at the head of the "locale" after having obtained the official investiture from the parent company in Calabria.
"The presence of mafia-type crime continues to be felt, in the city of Rome and in the centers of the metropolitan area and continues to be felt in the other provinces of Lazio, with the characteristics of the traditional mafia, mafia, camorra and 'ndrangheta. The operating methods of the Sicilian mafia, I found them in Rome, they operate with the same methods, they infiltrate all sectors, including public administration, where there has been an occupation". This is the analysis of the chief prosecutor of Rome, Francesco Lo Voi, before the parliamentary Anti-Mafia commission . The number one of Piazzale Clodio intervened in recent weeks together with the deputy prosecutor with delegation to the DDA of Rome, Ilaria Calò, launching a real alarm precisely in view of the Jubilee 2025.

The alarm
"Organized crime is expanding in all sectors that have an easy reinvestment of money, therefore money laundering and self-laundering in the most varied forms. No longer just construction, but also catering, the hotel sector, services and logistics, which are increasingly developing. This is why there is concern that the funds of the Pnrr and for the Jubilee will become incentives for crime and the use of some "clean faces" is the way to do it ", said prosecutor Lo Voi.
An alarm that the DIA, in the report for the first half of 2023, had also raised by listing the 'ndrangheta families active in the area: "In Lazio, the operation of the Gallico, Molè, Piromalli, Morabito, Alvaro and Nirta-Romeo clans originating from the province of Reggio Calabria and the Mancuso, Bonavota from the province of Vibo Valentia has been ascertained". And in reference to major works and events, in particular the Jubilee: «The huge allocations of public money planned for the Holy Year make the danger of infiltration of Calabrian organised crime concrete, whose presence in the area of ??the Capital and surrounding areas has also been confirmed by recent police operations».