in toronto the 'ndrangheta continues to be #1 mafia group in area. once in toronto there was 7 'ndrine, now closer to 4/5 all with ties back to calabria. i am not sure if the so called 'siderno group' still exists and is in control as of today. the most powerful in no order appear to be; commisso, figliomeni, ursino and coluccio. as far as who is running the ursino 'ndrine with giuseppe imprisoed i do not know, same can be said about coluccio. vincenzo tavernese was alleged to be point of contact for them, i am not sure if this is true today. the commissos have long been the most well known and dominant for decades and the figliomeni are coming off dismissals in proj sindicato bust 2019, looking into illegal gambling and money laundering mostly.
The Commisso family, nicknamed quagghia and also called the Macrì family, are a powerful 'ndrina originating from Siderno with branches in Canada , Argentina and Australia.
They are also among those that the Canadian police forces in synergy with the Italian police forces have renamed Siderno Group.
Figliomeni also called Rumbo-Galea-Figliomeni 'Ndrina is one of the sub-units of the mother-Locale of Siderno.
The Ursinos are a powerful 'ndrina from Gioiosa Jonica , allied with the Aquinos from Marina di Gioiosa Jonica and the Cordìs from Locri.
Coluccio-Aquino 'Ndrina in Marina di Gioiosa Ionica. Giuseppe Coluccio is a cousin of Rocco Aquino and Giuseppe Aquino, the bosses of the Aquino 'ndrina in the town.