Originally Posted by Captbony1999
Speaking about Spain, I bought some hash at the beach, very good quality man, I sat on the balcony out my nut. I was told the Russians control the coke in Spain, well at least one city in Spain.

What rackets do OC control beside drugs? Loan sharking, murder contract, protection rackets?

Tons of Russians in Marbella and Alicante. Not just Russians though. All over the Costa del Sol, the islands and other parts of Spain there's tons of hoods running around from any place in Europe with a substantial underworld. There's Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, Lithuanians along with Italians, Albanians, Serbs, Montenegrins, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Moroccans from Belgium and the Netherlands, Dutch, British (lots and lots from places like Liverpool, Essex, London, Nottingham, Glasgow...), Irish (tons of guys from Dublin), Lebanese, Turks, Turkish Kurds, Corsicans and Algerians from France, Somalis from Sweden, Arabs and Assyrians from Germany and Sweden, Israelis, Greeks, Antilleans from the Netherlands, Nigerians, Chinese, outlaw motorcycle club members from Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands...as well as Colombians, Mexicans, Brazilians, Central Americans, Venezuelans, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans...and ALL of these backgrounds have people running around in Spain that are up to shady shit. Mainly a lot of money laundering, but there's a lot of international drug trafficking going on (mainly cocaine, hash/marijuana and party drugs), hits take place, car theft rings, scams (for instance timeshare scams are notorious and some London firms were huge in this racket in Tenerife years ago)...you name it...

The Spanish locals are fed up, but there's little they can do at the moment and there's no use picking fights you won't win...