Dennis Quaid & Penelope Ann Miller star in this film based upon the former President. The film quickly (and briefly) starts out with Ronald's childhood before moving to his Hollywood career. It spends a little bit more time here before switching gears to his political career, first as Governor of California before ultimately his Presidency. Quaid and Miller both give favorable performances. They have onscreen chemistry together. Quaid has the voice, charm, and mannerisms of the former President while Miller is his rock, his love, and at times, his strength. The film's very patriotic, which is something our country desperately needs at this point in our history with the extreme partisanism on both sides of the isle while also slightly leaning into the Reagan's faith, which I appreciated as religion has became so chic to be the butt end of jokes as of late. The story focuses more on our conflict with the Russians rather than our conflicts here at home and it's these types of films that bring us together and are truly about inclusion. Not most of the trash Hollywood activists put out preaching inclusion but yet vilifying a particular group, more than likely based on physical characteristics they have no control over, to further promote their propaganda. Unfortunately there wasn't much of a marketing campaign behind this; in fact I'd dare say there's a great number of people who are aware this was even released. 7/10