i have to say after googling around and the question being reframed a little, yes in the USA there is no comparison presently. what i found was alot of lower tier drug dealing, gun running, assault and the like across all biker groups; HA, outlaws, pagans etc the big ones at least.
but why is that? american chapters of say the hells angels were around longer, shared a border with mexico, expanded across the US from a small beginning. with longevity you would think this would have allowed over time for criminal alliances to form and have staying power. but i suppose with the bad press from 1950s on they became a bit of a heat score for other groups and stuck to themselves. i guess too that with such entrenched criminal groups already present (mafia) when the HA were on their rise say in 1960s and 70s they had to stay in their place in the criminal mix. we can also add here the tendency to fight/war with any and all other BIG biker mcs.
a good point from alicecooper above about not all members are criminals this is very true and i think more so in US than in canada, again using HA as an example.