
The blitz against the Cosenza mafia, two years later. From the revelations of the informants to the first sentence
By 2024, the verdict for the defendants in a summary trial. The new collaborators and the clash over the Confederation
Published: 01/09/2024 – 7:02

COSENZA Two years have passed since the blitz of September 1, 2022, when the Catanzaro DDA ordered the “ Reset ” of the confederated 'ndrangheta of Cosenza. An army of suspects, 202, accused to varying degrees of 'ndrangheta-type association, criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, aggravated by mafia methods and purposes, criminal association aimed at committing crimes related to the illicit organization of gaming activities - including gambling - and betting, crimes of money laundering, self-laundering and fraudulent transfer of goods and values, as well as in order to numerous other crimes, also aggravated by mafia methods and purposes. An investigation that dealt a very hard blow to the criminal groups of Cosenza, allowing the uncovering of the illicit activities and business of the 'ndrangheta syndicate headed by " Francesco Patitucci ". For years the regent of the “Italiani” clan, according to the prosecution, he represented «the authoritative and undisputed reference for all the associates of the 'ndrangheta confederation operating in the city and the hinterland of Cosenza, having assumed over time the highest 'ndrangheta qualities corresponding to that of “company boss” ». A pivotal figure, capable of acting as a glue between the various groups, as a mediator in the thorniest issues and ready to delegate when necessary to his «dolphin», Roberto Porcaro .

The new repentants
In the meantime, Gianluca Maestri, involved in the operation codenamed “Athena” and in “Reset”, has decided to jump the gun. He decided – at the beginning of 2024 – to collaborate with justice and is considered the promoter and organizer of the “Zingari” association , strategically close to Gennaro Presta. Francesco Greco , former “lieutenant of Roberto Porcaro” , has also decided to collaborate with justice . The main accusations are directed precisely against the former regent of the “Italians”. “ Porcaro often told me that he had a large availability of weapons to the point of being able to “wage war”. Within the association, each group and each contact managed their own arsenal. Thus, for example, the arsenal that was found in 2018 in the “Zingari” neighborhood was, in fact, attributable to the Abbruzzese ”.

The process
From the papers to the court. The “Reset” chapter is discussed in the bunker courtroom of Lamezia Terme, before the collegiate court of Cosenza. After a series of prosecutors, the prosecutors of the Catanzaro DDA Vito Valerio and Corrado Cubellotti – who represent the prosecution – have called a series of informants to testify. Starting with the “historical” collaborators. As underlined by the informer Luciano Impieri, “Gypsies” and “Italians” would have made “ peace agreements ” , in particular “ 60% of extortion and drugs were taken by the “Italians” while the “Gypsies” 40% ”. Drug dealing – again according to Impieri – would be the most profitable business for organized crime, necessary to feed the “basin”, the common fund: dirty money useful for financing investments in activities that are only apparently legal. There is a rule in the drug market: the only purchases allowed to pushers are those related and referable to the “ System ” and under-the-counter, or supply from third-party sources, is not allowed. According to Zaffonte: « within the System, pushers can move from one group to another because… it is always as if it were the same thing.. ».

A Confederation of 'Ndrangheta?
In addition to the accusations made against the individual defendants, the real game between prosecution and defense is played on the presence or absence of the 'ndrangheta Confederation. The game between prosecution and defense is played on the existence of the 'ndrangheta Confederation . The theory of the presence of a single large 'ndrangheta Cupola is supported by the DDA, but strongly rejected by the leaders of the Cosenza clans. Recently, during another trial, Francesco Patitucci, former regent of the Lanzino-Ruà-Patitucci clan, made interesting spontaneous statements. The boss, now in 41 bis, admitted "to being part of a mafia association, to having been its leader, but to never having been part of a Confederation". Daniele Lamanna , now a repentant but once a man of honor, thinks differently . Affiliated to the Bruni-Zingari clan , he retraced the steps that convinced the groups to bury the hatchet and establish the pax: preceded by two meetings. « At the top there were those who had an importance in the 'ndrangheta concept », says Lamanna who concludes: « When I speak of groups I refer to Patitucci-Ruà-Lanzino and then to the Tundis, the Calabria brothers, Muto, and Maurizio Rango who was the representative of the Zingari ».

The abbreviated rite
The ordinary procedure is still in its infancy, many other collaborators will be heard in the coming months starting from next September 12th when the cross-examination of the repentant Luca Pellicori is scheduled (here are the statements made in the last hearing) . The path is different for those who have opted for the abbreviated procedure. The next steps are scheduled for September 11th, September 25th and October 7th. The timing indicates the possible sentence within 2024, a first step to test the accusatory weight of the maxi operation against the Cosenza mala. (fb)