
Maestrale, the repentant Megna speaks: «I didn't like the 'ndrangheta environment anymore. Women are untouchable»
The '85-born justice collaborator makes his debut in the bunker courtroom trial. "I wanted to remove my children from the criminal context of Nicotera"
Published: 03/09/2024 – 14:01

LAMEZIA TERME «I decided to collaborate on February 18, 2023. I wanted to change my life, I wanted it for my children and I feared above all for my safety» . Thus, 39-year-old Pasquale Alessandro Megna, a collaborator of justice, son of Assunto Megna and nephew of Pantaleone Mancuso, known as “Luni Scarpuni” , a top member of the Mancuso clan of Limbadi, made his debut in the “Maestrale-Carthago” trial before the judges of the Court of Vibo Valentia, in the bunker courtroom.

Megna's Repentance
Megna, among the defendants in the trial, was arrested in January last year for the murder of Francesco Muzzupappa, killed in an ambush on the evening of November 26, 2022 in the center of Nicotera Marina, in the Vibo Valentia area. Upon input from the PM of the anti-mafia pool of the Catanzaro DDA, Annamaria Frustaci, he explained the origins of his collaboration with justice. "I was in prison because I was detained for the murder of Muzzupappa dating back to November 26, 2022. The order was issued in December, but I was arrested on January 9. From that day on, I had left Nicotera Marina, until my arrest." Over the years, Megna explained, "I have suffered many attacks: bombs in my house, fires, all because they attributed to me my closeness to Pantaleone Mancuso "the engineer" and for the 2011 murder of Domenico Campisi." Megna explains that, on the evening of the murder, Angelo Carrieri was with him. "He witnessed the scene, but he didn't know anything, even though I didn't actually know how it would end. Shortly before I had said to call my father, unfortunately he arrived too late, 5 minutes after the murder. In fact, he thought that the one on the ground was me. "For years, however, my family had been forced to watch their backs for Muzzupappa, he said he would shoot us. And I don't know how many times I went to his relatives' house asking for help, but no one intervened, perhaps it could have been avoided."

Family ties
In his statements, Megna also illustrated his family ties. «I belong to the Mancuso 'ndrangheta family linked to “Scarpuni”, married to my aunt. My wife is Ciccio Tabacco's niece, I was part of the Engineer's group». «I'm talking about Santa Buccafusca, my mother's sister while my wife's mother and Francesco Mancuso's wife are sisters». «My father Assunto Megna was therefore part of the context linked to “the Engineer” who was part of Peppe 'Mbrogghia's branch. However, relations had cooled after the double attempted murder of Romana Mancuso and Giovanni Rizzo “mezzo dente”, respectively an aunt belonging to the “11” and the Engineer's nephew». «I killed Giuseppe Muzzupappa who was linked to the Campisi, the Cuturello and the 'Mbrogghia branch and was the nephew of Salvatore Cuturello and Giovanni Rizzo, cousin of Antonio Campisi». «I remember that the attempted murder of Dominik Signoretta, linked to the Engineer, had already occurred; he was a killer who worked for him».

"Touching women is a choice I don't agree with"
Regarding the choice to repent, Megna explained: «Of all the reasons, the most important was to take my children out of that context, out of Nicotera and its 'ndrangheta environment». Megna explained that «I no longer liked the behaviour of the 'ndrangheta members , let's just say that I no longer agreed with what was happening. Touching women are choices that I cannot agree with». And again: «I have accused myself of association, weapons, aiding and abetting the fugitives Marcello Pesce, Luigi and Pantaleone Mancuso, I had made myself available several times to help them». ( )

Last edited by Ciment; 09/03/24 01:08 PM.