Originally Posted by Giacalone

I like that you light a cigarette. I have a habit of lighting up a Partagas Serie D No. 4 cigar whenever I visit my grandfather's gravesite. He loved his cigars like his fellow Freemasons lol

I completely get you and your late grandfather, (he obviously was a great man) since I had one same guy on my mother's side, and on top of that he was also a former boxer lol. My grandfather used to smoke like three or four packs a day and he also had one metal/golden bowl for spitting while chewing or choking lol, while my mom (his daughter) used to smoke between two or three packs and so, both of them died of lung cancer and "HOB" problems. And so, me and my brother are also smokers and my dad is going to kill himself some day since he never had a smoke or more than one glass of wine or beer in one week lol

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good