From: @Telegraph:
“The BBC breached its own editorial guidelines more than 1,500 times during the height of the Israel-Hamas war, a damning report has found…”

“The report’s analysis of BBC coverage found that Israel was associated with war crimes four times more than Hamas… — Israel Foreign Ministry September 8, 2024

“This report vindicates with empirical data what we have said – and the Jewish community has known – for a long time,” said Gideon Falter, leader of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, who called for “a transparent and unconstrained public inquiry” into the matter.

Laurence Julius, vice-chairman of the UK’s National Jewish Assembly, said the publicly funded broadcaster “has failed abjectly and this is nurturing an anti Israel and antisemitic narrative across its network. It has to change.”

Some British lawmakers also responded to the report.

Sir Oliver Dowden, shadow deputy prime minister, said that “serious questions should be asked,” while Conservative MP Greg Smith called on government authorities to “use every tool they have in their arsenal to bring about greater compliance with the rules around neutrality and fair coverage in the BBC charter.”

Asserson, the British-Israeli lawyer at the helm of the report, has produced several reports in the past alleging anti-Israel bias at the BBC.

In 2000, Asserson founded BBCWatch, a nonprofit with the explicit mission of monitoring the network’s coverage of the Middle East, publishing six studies over the next six years.

He released another report in 2008 accusing BBC Arabic of bias in its coverage two years earlier of the Second Lebanon War.

He is now launching a new organization, according to the Telegraph, called Campaign for Media Standards, to monitor bias in British media.