Picking up after the events of its predecessor, Christopher Robin is dealing with the fallout of the events that previously transpired. He's ostracized from his local community, being labeled a murderer. Pooh and his friends are likewise run back further into the forest by locals who wish to finish what Christopher started. Although like any good horror sequel, a group of friends who know nothing of the recent events decide to camp in the wrong area, rekindling Pooh and company's killing spree. Again, take these films as what they are: mindless, and at times, laughable horror films that don't take themselves seriously at all while the producers are trying to capitalize on well-established, childhood heroes that have gone feral in their world. If you can go into it with that mindset, these films are not that bad but overall, I did find the pacing of this to drag a bit at times with the kills spread out a little further apart than part 1. In saying that, I prefer the original to this but I'm still lining up for more should additional films be released. 4/10