The drug war is back in full swing in Quebec
Police believe that Jean-Noël "Sarto" Lacroix and Patrick Laurendeau were targeted by the clan of the thug Dave "Pic" Turmel

The drug war is raging again in Quebec City as the attempted murder of Patrick Laurendeau and the shots fired at the home of Jean-Noël "Sarto" Lacroix are believed to have been ordered by the rebel drug trafficking group Blood Family Mafia.
This is the main line of inquiry favoured by the police authorities to explain these attacks carried out over the last few days, according to information collected by our Investigation Office.

"Sarto, Laurendeau, it's linked," summarizes one of our contacts, who maintains that the fight between the criminal factions is at the heart of these attacks.

Patrick Laurendeau, 47, was the victim of an attempted murder Saturday morning while he was driving his vehicle with his partner. The couple was leaving their home on Rue du Petit-Vallon, on the edge of Val-Bélair and Loretteville, when the shots were fired.

The fact that the shooters carried out their attack while a woman was on board speaks volumes about the level of carelessness of young BFM supporters, our contacts believe.

According to our sources, the police are looking for two suspects from Montreal, known to the authorities. A vehicle – which had been stolen in Verdun – was also found burned about fifteen kilometers from the scene of the attempted murder, in the minutes following the crime.
Jean-Noël Lacroix saw his home targeted by gunfire on the night of Thursday to Friday last. At the same time, four vehicles from his business, Armoires PMM, were engulfed in flames.
Other tensions have also been observed in recent months in the region and elsewhere in Quebec (see text below).

Relatives of "Doune"
Our sources confirm that Jean-Noël Lacroix and Patrick Laurendeau had links with Michel “Doune” Guérin.

The latter was assassinated in the early morning, in front of his residence in Charlesbourg , on November 27. Guérin was, according to our information, responsible for trying to resolve conflicts between bikers and independent traffickers.

Authorities still believe that BFM – run by Dave “Pic” Turmel, who is on the run outside the country – is behind the homicide.
Let us recall that about a week before Guérin's murder, the company Armoires PMM, which employed Michel Guérin, had been the target of an arson attack. Following this death, police officers had warned 25 people that their lives could be put in danger by the explosive climate prevailing in Quebec City. Lacroix and Laurendeau were among them, our sources confirm.

With the collaboration of Jonathan Tremblay

A conflict that drags on
The numerous police strikes carried out in recent months do not seem to have been enough to calm things down, as the Blood Family Mafia continues to gain ground.

"They are taking control everywhere, they are gaining ground. They are really active, the world is all going towards them. They are no longer afraid of the Hells Angels and there is no response," explains a source.

Beyond the recent events in Quebec, the situation is said to be particularly tense in Beauce, Montmagny and Bellechasse, where home invasions have increased over the summer.
According to our information, people close to the Blood Family Mafia have threatened and "mixed up" traffickers linked to the Hells Angels, to force them to work for them.

"They threaten them, they come in with a hammer. They don't just target young people, they target veterans too. They give them a quantity of drugs - and it's really bad quality cocaine - and they say they'll come back in a few weeks to collect the money from the drug sales," says a contact.

Let us recall that the BFM and the Hells Angels have been in conflict over drug trafficking for over a year now, with the former refusing to pay the latter the 10% tax on their revenues.

This situation has led to a series of violent crimes in the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches, but also on the Côte-Nord and in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. Five individuals – originally from the Montreal region – were charged Monday morning in connection with the death of a man in his thirties in Mont-Joli on Saturday.

Jean-Noël Lacroix
52 years old
His residence was targeted by gunfire and vehicles from his business, Armoires PMM, were set on fire during the night from Thursday to Friday. This business was also targeted by a fire in November 2023.
History of fraud and theft.
The tax authorities are demanding $2.5 million in unpaid taxes.
He is suing the City of Quebec for $3.5 million. He deplores that a Quebec police investigator informed him that his life was threatened, following the death of Michel "Doune" Guérin, without giving him more details. Lacroix then allegedly made numerous investments to protect himself.

Patrick Laurendeau
47 years old
Targeted by an attempted murder on Saturday morning, in front of his residence.
He was arrested in the 2005 police operation Despote, which aimed to dismantle a cocaine and ecstasy network linked to the Hells Angels. He pleaded guilty in 2006 to charges of drug trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking.
He was also the head of Excava-Plus, an excavation company with which he scammed customers during the installation of their in-ground swimming pool , our Investigation Bureau revealed.