Let's not forget the Canadian Hells Angels angle.

Iran turns to Hells Angels and other criminal gangs to target critics
Iran has cultivated ties with criminal networks in the West to carry out a recent wave of violent plots in the United States and Europe.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/09/12/iran-criminal-gangs-target-dissidents/ (behind paywall -- use my Evernote link: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s229...km9CLttjn1A-AxVFJbzC0kO7Wuo9-ssrN5rApA5Q)

How Iran is using dark underworld of Hells Angels ‘hitmen’ to wipe out critics & crack down on dissent in Europe & US
The MI5 has accused Tehran of more than a dozen assassination and kidnap plots in Britain against dissidents