Originally Posted by Hollander
Both Israeli authorities, Palestinian armed groups are responsible for war crimes, it's horrible innocent children and women are the victims. This has to stop NOW !

Unfortunately can't disagree No grounds for disputation.... and not just the Democratic Israel-terrorists war
Every war Everywhere has to stop NOW !

Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
Palestinian civilians are between a rock and a hard place indeed
Every life is equally precious whether Israeli, Palestinian or

The horrors and immeasurable suffering of Palestinian civilians cannot be discounted while their terrorist 'leaders' live in luxury elsewhere eg: Qatar

In addition, they have to fend for themselves, among others
1. no help
2. no organised evacuation
3. no transport
4. not even temporary housing let alone....
5. being shunted between “safe” zones multiple times
6. little to no essentials of food, water, medicine, electricity, fuel
7. humanitarian aid not reaching them past terrorists Hamas
8. infrastructure pretty much non-existent
9. little to no health / medical facilities
10. living in constant fear, in unsafe, unsanitary conditions
11. being used as human shields by terrorists Hamas
12. terrorists Hamas prevents / restricts civilians to evacuate or seek shelter
13. and what UNRWA is doing / not doing

I reckon, majority just wants to live in freedom, peace and security without being ruled by terror

According to news reports, around 300,000 Israelis were demonstrating / protesting at the murder of six Israeli hostages and for the release of the other Israeli hostages

I can't recall any protests even by a fraction, not a murmur.... at the death toll of innocent Palestinian civilians -- count inflated by terrorists Hamas run sources or not

Again, Every life is equally precious whether Israeli, Palestinian or -- innocent men, women and children

Israel repeatedly says, it seeks to minimize civilian fatalities and stresses that Hamas uses Gaza’s civilians as human shields, fighting from civilian areas including homes, hospitals, schools and mosques