Originally Posted by Trojan
and not rocket science that pro-Palestinian always violent pro-Israeli not

The vile, violent protests currently happening at the Land Forces Defence Expo, in Melbourne, Australia is a disgrace

Lawless mob preaching their anti-war, anti-violence, message by vile, violence! Nasty hypocrites
Despicable and they are not helping whatever their cause is -- only succeed in off-putting law-abiding fellow Australians

few from various Australian Newspapers
Protesters accused of shocking animal cruelty acts against Police horses

Police have accused anti-war, anti-Israel protesters of deliberately spraying substances into police horses’ noses and bringing marbles to cause them to lose their footing during this week’s protests
Why Melbourne anti-war protest was always going to be violent

It is no surprise the disgusting “peace” protest at the Land Forces Defence Expo in Melbourne turned violent — it’s a riot against the West’s right to defend itself against totalitarian regimes
“Greens show true colours backing ‘anti-violence’ violence”

Greens blame the Police as criminals hurl acid, set fires. Gridlocking a city with violence is not peaceful, legitimate protest
Victorian Greens Member of Parliament Gabrielle Di Vietri said she would attend Wednesday’s protest while parliament is sitting, insisting the government should have cancelled it
!Now that the Supreme Greens MP has spoken!

Greens is political third wheel! but some still vote for them 'fooled' by their name Greens. Greens is a Minor party and never will be government but can / do disrupt Parliamentary proceedings with their 'balance of power' voting

Greens are always at any such violent protests around Australia, whipping up the angry crowd -- showing their true colours backing ‘anti-violence’ violence!

Brad Homewood, a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion [one of the many apparently under an umbrella of various organisations] said
the aim of the protests were to “make Land Forces feel so unwelcome they never come back to Melbourne”
“We want to end war and repression,” he said
Sure Brad violent, vile, despicable protests will do it! And you and your vile, violent mob are always welcome!

  • How many of these protesters have jobs? earning their keep? Put them all to hard labour....

and if these vile, violent protesters and self-serving, divisive politicians with their tax payer funded Life style, love the Palestinian 'cause' so much, why don't they go to the Middle East and really fight for them -- oh! That's right! Toxic parasites

Apparently, the number of protesters were a fraction [around 1,200-1,500] of what was touted 25,000 and even less the subsequent days to a couple of hundred. Nevertheless....

Melbourne Lord Mayor Nick Reece said
the Land Forces expo, which has attracted delegates from 45 countries, was the kind of event the city should be bidding for
"Overall, I'd say it's been a successful conference," Reece told Radio National

By all accounts the Land Forces Defence Expo [11-13 September 2024] is a success but at what cost -- Ridiculous

Freedom of speech Freedom to demonstrate [peacefully] come with responsibilities and obligations
Human Rights for all not just Palestinian flag waving, vile, violent protesters

Show some Loyalty, Patriotism, Respect Stop biting the hand that feeds you