I want to discuss the Families that are, beyond a doubt, extinct or no longer existent in any capacity whatsoever as opposed to Families that are uncertain as to whether they still exist or not, as well as Families that we know beyond a doubt are still functional. I don't want personal opinions to cloud this thread. For example, just because you think that the Philly mob or DeCavalcante Family are nothing but glorified crews, this doesn't prove their extinction. I think most here can agree that they still exist as LCN groups in some capacity. Also, any other Families that people were wrong about regarding their existence, like Buffalo? Entire threads have been dedicated to their extinction only to be proven wrong by wiretaps and undercover work. Anyway, I'll start first...
American cities that once had their own, independent La Cosa Nostra Family that are considered extinct or no longer existent:
1) Tampa, Florida
2) New Orleans, Louisiana
3) Dallas, Texas
4) San Francisco, California
5) San Jose, California
6) Los Angeles, California. This one is debatable, many people argue over its existence. I personally have seen some compelling reading that leads me to believe they may still be functioning.
7) Cleveland, Ohio
8) Kansas City, Missouri. People still argue over them, too.
9) St. Louis, Missouri
10) Denver/Pueblo, Colorado
11) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
12) Rockford, Illinois
13) Rochester, New York
Maybe there's others I can't think of right now.