I have to add Pete Casella to this list. He conspired with Frank Narducci to have Phil Testa murdered.
Pete Casella did 17-20 years in prison on drug charges and came back into the family (Philly)....
He did alot of time.... had his boss (Testa) murdered...
and was fortunate to survive the wrath of the commission.
He died a free man.
Right @NYMafia?
Yes, thats correct, Zavattoni.
Pete Casella was a well-respected soldier of the old Angelo Bruno Family, who specialized in the smuggling and interstate distribution of heroin brought into this country from Europe. He was a key member of a major international narcotics ring coordinated in several U.S. cities by top members of several U.S. Mafia Families, in conjunction with their brethren across in the ocean, both Italian and Corsican drug racketeers.
They later all got nailed and Casella served a very lengthy prison term. Upon release, he was given even greater respect throughout Cosa Nostra for having kept his mouth closed and done his time.
But he was broke, and a little bitter too. And felt that he should have be given more power and money because of his previous loyalty (an old, well worn tale by many a mafiosi.)
So he conspired against the hierarchy, and, as you already mentioned, was extremely lucky to have been spared the fate of Tony Caponigro and Al Salerno. He was banished from Cosa Nostra, but was allowed to keep his skin.
Good example.
Casella served a lot of time in the can, and I'm sure, died broke or close to it....in exile.