Hells and BFM back in court: the cases of members of the two clans are progressing
"Pic" Turmel's right-hand man waives his release while three Hells members choose a jury trial

Senior members of the clans waging an increasingly bloody war in Quebec City were back at the courthouse Tuesday. Denis Roobens, an alleged lieutenant in the Blood Family Mafia, was transported under heavy police escort while three Hells Angels announced their intention to stand trial by jury. Shortly before 9 a.m., two police vans arrived at the Quebec City courthouse under escort from the Sûreté du Québec, with sirens and flashing lights. Only one of the two vehicles entered the building's garage, under surveillance by police officers and several special constables.
The day after the discovery of a body "with obvious injuries" near the hideout of criminal bikers in Frampton in Beauce, it was obvious that the authorities took all necessary precautions to transport Roobens Denis.

The latter would be the right-hand man of Dave "Pic" Turmel at the head of the Blood Family Mafia, which has been standing up to the Hells Angels for a year throughout the eastern part of the province.

The conflict has become particularly bloody in recent weeks with this latest murder in Beauce, which comes on top of that of André Bourgoin in Mont-Joli as well as the attempted murder of Patrick Laurendeau and the shots fired at the residence of Jean-Noël "Sarto" Lacroix .

Renunciation of his freedom
Roobens Denis appeared in the courtroom, handcuffed and footcuffed, moving bent over, curled up on himself. It was therefore practically impossible to see him in the dock. Three correctional officers accompanied him, while a fourth, who remained in the detention corridor, filmed the defendant's entire movements using a camera.

Denis finally stood up at the request of Judge Josée Lemieux at the end of the hearing, when confirming that he was waiving the holding of his bail hearing. "[The defense] would not be able to meet its burden," confirmed his lawyer, Mr. Samuel Cozak.
The man, who was arrested on the run in Portugal before being brought back to Quebec in June, will therefore remain in custody for the duration of the proceedings against him. He is accused in particular of drug trafficking and conspiracy.

His case will return to court next November.

The Hells files are moving forward
For their part, Hells Angels Mario "Banane" Auger, Christian Boucher and Marc Roberge all confirmed to the court their choice to hold a trial "before judge and jury" in their case.
But before getting there, the trio will conduct a preliminary investigation that defense lawyers have said will be "targeted" on specific aspects of the case.

A management conference between the parties in anticipation of this step is planned for early October. The date for the continuation of the procedures will then be set.

The fifteen other defendants arrested at the same time as part of "Project Riposte", who are at liberty, have seen their cases postponed until the end of November.