US urges Australia to reject UN resolution on Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank by Digital Reporter Oscar Godsell 17 September 2024

The United States has urged Australia to turn down a controversial [ultra extreme] United Nations (UN) resolution demanding Israel withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank

The eight-page draft
  • has called for Israel to “end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”
  • Key provisions included
    1. a complete and unconditional withdrawal from Gaza
    2. evacuation of Israeli settlers from the West Bank
    3. and reparations for Palestinians
  • Palestine also demanded sanctions and travel bans on Israelis linked to the occupation and a ban on weapons sales to Tel Aviv

1. The resolution has omitted any reference to terror and terrorists Hamas or its recent terrorist attack on Israel
2. There was also no recognition of hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza

The US has since strongly condemned the draft resolution and urged its allies to reject – or at least *abstain – from voting on the resolution when it’s put forward on Thursday 19 September 2024

Yes vote is a vote for terrorism -- Rewarding the terrorists

*"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor Never the victim
Silence encourages the tormentor Never the tormented"
Elie Wiesel 1928-2016