An animated origin story depicting the rise and fall of the friendship between Optimus Prime and Megatron. With the last few movies not exactly setting the box office on fire, an animated version was the smarter play in terms of budgeting and return on investment. I will say it's disappointing Peter Cullen wasn't asked to lend his voice as he is Optimus Prime in the minds of so many fans. I understand the producers wanted to capture Primes younger years, hence the recast. I applaud Chris Hemsworth for tackling it as I'm sure it was quite nerve wracking and maybe even intimidating to replace such an icon. However, overall, I didn't see what others saw as this has garnered a lot of positive reviews already. While not a bad film by any stretch, I also wouldn't consider it anything that stood out either. It was average. No one seemed to stand out and while a sequel could offer more entertainment, I think the only one to crack the Transformers code was the 2007 Michael Bay live action film. 5.5/10