Football and the Mafia: Inter and Milan ultras between organised crime, murders and illicit business
AMDuemila September 23, 2024
Behind the passion for cheering, the hidden connections between fan bases, the far right and golden business linked to ticket scalping
From assaults to murders, behind the Inter and Milan ultras fans hide criminal interests that have little or nothing to do with a passion for football. Some of the recent episodes involving the most extreme fringes of the two fan bases have revealed close and well-hidden ties, which demonstrate how organized fandom is deeply intertwined with crime. The first episode of violence dates back to April, when a personal trainer, Cristian Iovino , was attacked by a group of Rossoneri ultras. The episode received wide media coverage also due to the presence of the famous singer Fedez. Another episode, even more shocking, is the murder of Antonio Bellocco , heir to a family linked to the 'Ndrangheta, which occurred two weeks ago in Cernusco sul Naviglio. Bellocco was killed by Andrea Beretta , former Inter ultras leader, with whom he had close relations within the Curva Nord. An unprecedented crime, which directly involves a figure linked to Calabrian crime. Beretta told investigators that the murder was an act of self-defense, as he feared being killed by the Bellocco family. However, investigators do not rule out that there are more complex motives behind it, perhaps linked to illicit business, such as the sale of match tickets at the San Siro stadium or the control of merchandising. Illicit business, crime and football have deep roots, both inside and outside the stadium. Bellocco's murder has in fact brought to mind another crime that occurred in 2022: that of Vittorio Boiocchi , historic leader of Inter's Curva Nord. A murder had a significant impact on the management of the ultras group, bringing Marco Ferdico , a figure close to both far-right groups and the Calabrian mafia, to its leadership. On the front of AC Milan fans, especially the most extreme ones, the situation does not seem better. Luca Lucci , former leader of AC Milan's Curva Sud, is under house arrest for drug trafficking. In addition to a decent collection of Daspos, Lucci can boast a past marked by convictions and ties to organized crime. In short, it seems that the world of football is surrounded by lucrative and very dangerous businesses. The terraces of the stadiums increasingly resemble control centers for illegal activities such as the illegal sale of tickets - the so-called scalping - merchandising and even drug dealing. All this takes place within a submerged world, where ultras and organized crime meet and do business.

Source: Domani

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