Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
Terrorists Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis keep attacking Israel and counter attacks, more attacks but International law enforcement applies only to Israel

Israel’s UN Ambassador slams UN for ignoring Hezbollah attacks
DaJobnik 22 September 2024

Danny Danon, Israel’s UN Ambassador, delivers a fiery speech at the UN Security Council, demanding international action against Hezbollah

1. accuses Hezbollah of indiscriminate attacks on Israeli civilians which have displaced over 60,000 people in northern Israel
2. also criticizes the UN’s inaction in enforcing Resolutions 1701 and 1559 which call for Hezbollah’s disarmament
3. and exposes Iran’s role as the mastermind behind Hezbollah’s aggression, pulling the strings of terror across the Middle East

Danon also highlights the hypocrisy of international critics, pointing out the environmental and human devastation caused by Hezbollah’s rocket attacks. Over 50,000 acres of forests and farmlands have been destroyed Yet the UN remains silent

Danon reaffirms, in his closing statement that
Israel will take any necessary measures to protect its citizens and bring displaced families back home
and who? is protecting the innocent Palestinian citizens and bringing the displaced Palestinian families "being shunted between 'safe' zones multiple times" back home?

Danon calls on the international community to finally hold Hezbollah and Iran accountable before it’s too late