Thats what I was saying...i hope the situatuion wont become like the one in Bosnia when two neighbors killed each other only because of different (in reality similar or same) religions...but this time it might be world wide...I "wonder" which side India and China will choose....but I bet that some European countries might go with Hamas lol
Also the Saudi's and Gulf states or Egypt they stay silent but they don't want Iran to succeed.
yes they support us silently they know that they're evil and dangerous for those who seek freedom.
Indeed and they have huge interests with the West, Kingdom of Jordan also. If Iran wins they will lose.
but in jordan the royals are hated the people on the streets (who are palestinians, there is not such thing ''jordanians'', they are pali, pali are egyptians which explain their surnames such as ''al masri'' (the egyptian in arabic) and more). so the kingdom is really looking for peace and quiet and not for the iranians to make troubles and wake the population there