As you mentioned, D-2 was indeed, Rosario “Bobby” Dionisio (Colorado's, Colletti Family underboss)
Is it Bill Feather's site that lists Bobby as a nickname for Rosario? I've only really seen Big Bob and Bob for the father and just Bobby for the son
While a possible administrator, I would hesitate to identify Dionisio as anything more than a prominent member (maybe a captain?) based off what is currently available. Just too many gaps before Joe Salardino and Blanda
And A-3 was Rosario “Ross” Musso (Civello Family underboss of Dallas, TX)
I would also not label Musso as the underboss, insight into admin members outside of the established Dallas bosses is murky
....But C-4 was actually Rosario “Sal” Spatola (a Sicilian import and little known Gambino soldier)
Ah alright, hard to keep track of all those Gambino clan guys