Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by joepuzzles234
JoeP, I especially like the format that encapsulates each subject with a bit of personal biographical info...I enjoy the "Valachi" styled format. It harkens back to the original 1963 FBI charts produced at the U.S. Senate Committee Hearings of that time.

Yeah, those are also pretty cool but very time-consuming to put together. I tried to make a Valachi-style graphic for the Colorado family c. 1950 at one point. Not sure if I posted it here before

Originally Posted by NYMafia


I don't know if you've ever seen the extensive pictorial hierarchy chart I created for the old, "traditional" Chicago Outfit --- focusing on when the Outfit was at its peak --- but since I know you love your charts, if you haven't already done so, please visit our website and take a look. I think you'll really appreciate the design work and historical research involved in it.

If you're interested, I'll see if Lisa can make that particular chart free for your viewing, ok?

I've seen the San Jose chart from your website, I think that page was free at one point. I don't have a subscription, so I don't think I've seen your Chicago stuff before

Joe, this is the first time that I'm seeing this Colorado chart you created.

But, I can tell you one thing, I absolutely love it. THIS is great work. (and in the vein of the type of charts I love to create myself.)

I especially like some of the little touches you included, such as the "map" depicting their territory, and the bio info included, as well as the "associates" chart inserted.

As you know, 99.9999% of the time, you will never see a chart that also includes the list of associates. Its always just the "reputed" made guys that are listed. ---- It takes a lot more time and much deeper research to put together, but I think it makes all the difference in the world as to the quality and accuracy of the chart --- (I always make it a point to focus on, and include, the associates as well on any chart I create.)

Bravo to you, Joe! For a job that I feel was very well done!

The only thing is that I cannot expand the chart large enough to read all the little minutia that you put in there that I'd like to see. Joe, is it possible for you to email me at ButtonGuys which would allow me to increase the size some more?

I've been reviewing --- and enjoying --- your chart for Colorado.

There are definitely some names you listed (a few soldiers, but mostly crew associates) that I've never heard about before (kudos on that.)