Very interesting, really enjoyed the chart. One question, anyone know how many of these guys still around and their status?
There are a few guys from this list still around - others here can give a better idea about all the details
Rough overview:
Frank Caruso - captain
Albert Vena - admin?
Michael Sarno - incarcerated
Michael Spano - inactive
Robert Bellavia - inactive?
John Matassa - admin?
Nicholas Guzzino - possibly deceased/inactive
Rocco Lombardo - inactive
James Marcello - IPL
Michael Talarico - shelved?
Michael Magnafichi - shelved
Bruno Caruso - active?
Salvatore Cataudella - admin
I've been reviewing --- and enjoying --- your chart for Colorado.
There are definitely some names you listed (a few soldiers, but mostly crew associates) that I've never heard about before (kudos on that.)
Yeah Colorado is an interesting family, particularly during that sort of time period - a few old timers from the conflicts still around, Smaldones are clearly established, newer guys coming up etc.