Originally Posted by Hollander
Yes freedom of speech and to protest (for peace) is important, but to blame Jews on 7 October is pure Antisemitism or Jew-hatred.
They condone the terrorist attack by Hamas. That is the same as supporting Al-Qaeda on September 11.

Sure thing but freedom of speech comes with responsibilities and obligations
freedom of speech and to protest (for peace) is a privilege and right, in the Western countries

These pro-Palestinian protesters will not be able to demonstrate / protest in their pro non-western countries Yet.... among others,
1. they abuse this privilege and right
2. they bite the hand that feeds them
3. their daily disruptive and violent protests the whole year
4. their vile mentality, insensitive acts, in respect of the terrorist massacre victims, on the first anniversary too
5. they think such malicious acts advance whatever their cause is -- it is off-putting
6. they engage in antisemitic behaviour, in Israel ally countries

I rest my case

also haven't seen any of the 50odd Muslim countries offering refuge and taking in any Palestinians nor now Lebanese -- wonder why!
They all shut their borders real quick and keep them shut